And as you’d expect of a game knocking on 400, many variations have evolved. This may have something to do with the fact that crib has been around since 1630. Many think of cribbage as an old man’s game, and they’re not far wrong. The odds of getting a 29-hand in the game of crib is 1 in 216,580. However, if we assume that the player will always keep J555 if those cards are included in the hand, the odds of getting a perfect 29 hand starting with a six-card hand are 1 in 216,580, while the odds after discarding from a five-card hand are 1 in 649,740. What are the chances of getting a 29 hand in crib? If the start card is the same suit as well, the flush is worth 5 points. Flush: If all four cards of the hand are the same suit, 4 points are scored for flush.
The runs of 3 within it don’t count -you just get 4. A perfect score requires the jack and all four fives, one of which is the up-card from the same suit as the jack.
The 29 is the highest possible score in cribbage, calculated from points awarded for various pairs and combinations of cards in a hand.